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The task should come as the first while building the Web Development skillset: JavaScript Portfolio for first-year IT-NERDS doing some fun way of learning basic front-end skillset. we Build a Simple Functional Portfolio with HTML, CSS and Javascript It is an educational system that simulates the real-world as a simple format to enhancing learning.

Project Goals:

HTML and CSS Basics: Build a Good Foundation with HTML and CSS

JavaScript — Its core features will also be included for better interactivity.

Easy to Navigate: An easy navigation panel allows access to the different sections replicating a professional portfolio.

Hands-On, Real-World Skills: By producing a portfolio-style project that is based on a real portfolio found in the professional world, students learn how web applications are built in the wild.


1) Navigation Bar: Shows links to other parts of the site, allowing a user to reach sections like “Home”, “Projects”, “About” and “Contact”.

Portfolio layout — a showcase of works on a grid. You can have a title and image for each project entry, along with a small description.

Contact Form: Contact form for prospective visitors having validation done by JavaScript

Responsive Layout: The responsive layout helps students with the fundamentals of responsive design with a minimal layout that adapts for different screen sizes.

Learning Objectives:

HTML Practice: Structure Websites: Website structuring practice in a meaner such that, it can be used to understand by using html tags and semantic elements.

CSS: Master CSS to design your elements, work with responsive layouts, & experiment with design principles.

Basics of JavaScript: How to bring interactivity to a webpage — simple form validation, basic functions, variables.

Developing a Portfolio: Creating a potential portfolio for demonstration or project work so that students can practice skills in a relevant environment.

But the beauty of this JavaScript Portfolio project is that, it is deliberately, very simple yet meaningful and thus gives the first time students a complete overview of front-end web Development world as, that is generally where the students begin their IT career.

Supported Operating Systems:

This is what you can run this project on: Operating Systems





1st Step: Extract file

Second Step: Copy Main project folder

Step3: So open your browser and enter the URL “http://localhost/javaScript_Portfilo

Need Help or Customization?

Please feel free to contact me for assistance in setting up or customizing or any other help. It would help if you, but I am here to help, give you what you need.

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Price: Free