TODO List (CRUD) In Javascript Free Download

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The TODO List (CRUD) project exemplifies a simple yet powerful web application created using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Its primary function is to facilitate task management through essential CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. Users can seamlessly add, update, and delete to-do items stored in a list format. This straightforward interface allows users to input task details and view them in an organized list, providing flexibility to modify or remove entries as needed.

Designed with usability in mind, the project serves as an educational tool for beginners in web development. It showcases foundational concepts such as DOM manipulation and event handling in JavaScript, styling with CSS for visual appeal, and semantic HTML for structuring content. By implementing these technologies, the TODO List project not only enhances user experience but also reinforces best practices in frontend development.

HTML: Page layout and design

CSS: Design

JavaScript: Frontend

  • Create Task
  • Read Tasks
  • Update Task
  • Delete Task
  • Task Status Management
  • Search and Filter
  • Responsive Design
  • Drag-and-Drop
  • Notifications (Optional)
  • Task Archiving
  • Data Export/Import
  • Accessibility Features
  • To run this system, first, open the project in your browser by clicking the index.html file.
  • To run this project, you don’t need to have any kind of local server but yet a browser.
  • We recommend you use modern browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

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Price: Free
